2021 Spring Thaw Online
Annual meeting of the
Sublette County Historical
Society, March 4, 2021. With
special guest speaker Ann
Spring Thaw Party Online March 4
Sublette Co Historical Society annual meeting and program on Homesteading
March 2, 2021
The Sublette County Historical Society invites everyone to attend their 2021 Spring Thaw and Annual Meeting on the evening of Thursday, March 4, 2021. Local historian, Ann Noble will be talking about the new book Homesteading and Ranching in the Upper Green River Valley written by herself and Jonita Sommers.
The annual meeting will be held in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library, but seating is limited and by reservation due to COVID-19 public health restrictions still in effect for group gathering sizes.
The homestead program will be livestreamed on the Museum Youtube channel starting at 6:30pm. Go to Youtube.com/c/MuseumoftheMountainMan to watch. It will also be recorded and available to watch later at the same web address. Subscribe to the channel for alerts about new videos or livestreams when they are posted.
The program will be livestreamed from the Lovatt Room at the Pinedale Library. There is some limited seating requiring reservations. As of Tuesday there are 10 seats remaining. If you would like to attend in person, email director@mmmuseum.com or call 307-367-4101. The social starts at 6pm with light food and drinks. The program will start at 6:30pm.