2020 Census Field Operations resume in Wyoming
Census workers to wear PPE
May 19, 2020
The U.S. Census Bureau is resuming 2020 Census field operations in Wyoming beginning May 18, 2020. For the health and safety of Census employees and the public, field staff will observe social distancing protocols and will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
U.S. Census Bureau field employees will begin dropping off 2020 Census invitation packets at the front doors of households in areas that do not receive mail at their physical home address. This field operation follows current federal health and safety guidelines and does not require interaction between households and Census Bureau employees.
Households that receive the 2020 Census invitation packets are strongly encouraged to respond promptly – using the Census ID included in the questionnaire packet. Wyomingites can still respond online, by phone, or by completing and returning the paper form by mail. Responding online with the Census ID or completing and returning the paper questionnaire helps ensure an accurate count of Wyoming communities.
Everyone is encouraged to respond today online and help Wyoming increase the #2020Census self-response rate. The questionnaire only takes a couple of minutes to complete. Only one person needs to respond for each household. Go to 2020census.gov or call 1-844-330-2020 for more information and to respond.