Brian Brisko named new Principal of Pinedale High School
by Sublette County School District #1
April 28, 2017
The Sublette County School District #1 Board of Trustees and Superintendent Jay Harnack are pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Brisko as the new principal for Pinedale High School (PHS) beginning with the 2017-2018 school year.
"I’m very excited to announce Brian as the new principal at Pinedale High School," Mr. Harnack said. "Brian is committed to seeing every student succeed. He brings a strong understanding of how to support teachers in their work, and he has played a significant role in implementing a continuous improvement mindset at PHS."
Brian Brisko was born and raised in Mountain View, Wyoming. After high school he attended the University of Wyoming where he received his Bachelor’s in Spanish Education. In 2009 he accepted a position to teach and coach at PHS. In 2015 he received his Master’s in Educational Leadership. Brian is married to Mandy Brisko and they have three children Kamri, Boston and Jaycee. Brian was the Spanish teacher at PHS for six years and for the last two years he has served as the assistant principal and athletic director at PHS.
Brian’s first day on the job will be August 3rd. "I’m excited about the opportunity to be the principal at PHS. I would like to thank the Board of Trustees and Mr. Harnack for entrusting me with this task. I’m extremely proud of the staff and students at PHS and look forward to serving them. PHS will continue to ensure that every student that comes through our doors is successful and prepared for their future. I am honored to have this opportunity and look forward to working with this wonderful community." ______________________________________
Editor's note: PHS principal Jeremy Qualls has accepted a position with the Laramie school district for next year.

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