Wyoming Legislature update – January, 2017
by Albert Sommers, House District #20 Representative
January 10, 2017
Hello Sublette County, this Albert Sommers reporting on the eve of the 2017 General Session of the 64th Legislature.
This will be one of the toughest sessions in recent memory, as we deal with one of the steepest drops in revenue the state has ever experienced. The Governor made over $200 million dollars in cuts this last summer to help control the deficit on the General Fund side of our budget. The projected deficits in our education budget is the biggest challenge this state has faced in decades, if not ever. Based upon current policies we would face a $1.8 Billion dollar deficit in education in 2022, on the operations side alone. I have been working with other legislators to solve this crisis, and our proposal will include a combination of cuts in both education and general fund budgets, fiscal diversions, savings expenditures, and new revenue sources. We cannot cut our way out this education fiscal crisis.
Some interesting bills being posted for this session includes a bill which retains Daylight Savings Time all year, a bill that gives county commissions the authority to prohibit wildlife feeding, a bill that creates an Agent Orange Awareness Monty, a bill that provides authority to increase the lodging tax, a bill that eliminates marriage licenses, and a bill reducing the severance tax on coal.
Bills can be accessed at the Wyoming Legislative website, at the following link: http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2017/billreference/BillReference.aspx?type=ALL
Keep me informed of your opinions on bills. I can be reached at albert@albertsommers.com. Thanks
Click on this link to listen to an audio version of this update: Albert Sommers January 2017 Legislature update (1.96MB mp3 audio file, 2:06 mins)