Reunion site
On the Green River, (Coordinates: 43.365536, -109.980872)

Queen of the Green river raft
Monte Skinner and the Queen of the Green river raft, one of many built by Skinner Brothers Wilderness Camp participants. This raft is now on display at the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale.
Skinner Brothers 60/80 Anniversary Reunion Aug. 13 & 14
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
August 11, 2016
Saturday and Sunday, August 13 & 14, will see a reunion of many past participants of the Skinner Brothers Outdoor Wilderness Camps. Former campers and friends will join up with Monte, Courtney and Ole Skinner at the Green River Rafting Camp for a weekend of celebration and remembrance of those former times.
Skinner Brothers Outdoor Wilderness Camps operated in Sublette County from the mid-1950s to 2004 to teach kids about the outdoors. It started as a boys camp, but later girls and co-ed programs were added. They taught outdoor skills, hunting, fishing, traps & snares, tracking, trailcraft, camping, navigation, edible wild plants, care of wild meat, backpacking methods, hiking, horsemanship, packing, river rafting, mountaineering, rock climbing, wilderness skills, survival, safety, emergency first aid, and appreciation of the outdoors and nature, and much more. The kids learned a work ethic and gained self-confidence.
The Reunion is open to all alumni and friends of Skinner Brothers Wilderness Schools. The main events start on Saturday starting at noon to Sunday, but there will also be other events Friday and after Sunday. They are asking for a $75 donation to offset cost of food, transportation, equipment, etc. Here is a link to the Evite invite: http://evite.me/eruNkNU2Hr
Schedule: Celebrate the 60/80 anniversary of Skinner Brothers with Monte, Courtney and Ole at the Green River rafting camp.
SCHEDULE AND DIRECTIONS FRIDAY MEETUP (Friday, Aug 12th, 7PM - 10PM) at Lakeside Lodge on Fremont Lake.
REUNION: Saturday - Sunday, Aug13th/14th at the Green River Rafting Camp in the Upper Green (25 miles north of Cora, appx. 1 hour travel time)
Pitchfork Fondue is catering the reunion: 3-Meal Option: Lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday. Great for people camping at the Green ($75/person). Dinner-only option: Saturday night only ($45/person). Tickets cover food and expenses (tents, chairs, porta-potties, water, adult beverages etc). Music by Roz Brown.
CAMPING ON THE GREEN The reunion will be an overnight camping experience. Participants can set up their own tent at the Green River rafting camp location and stay until Sunday (or later). (Coordinates: 43.365536, -109.980872)
Skinner Brothers memorabilia (hats, mugs, shirts, jackets, bottles, etc) can be found here: http://www.zazzle.com/skinner_reunion/products.
One of the many log rafts built during this time that were used to float down the Green River is on display on the outside grounds of the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, "The Queen of the Green".
The deadline has past to sign up for the meals, so anyone wanting to participate now may need to bring their own food unless they can make other last-minute arrangements with the organizers.
Anyone who has great Skinner-related photos or stories they would like to contribute is encouraged to send to admin@skinnerbrothers.org. If you are an alumni and just now hearing about the reunion, the Skinner Brothers and other alumni would love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to contact them even if you can’t make it to the reunion.
For more information or directions, contact Garrett Rice at 650-363-1007.