Curtain of buses
A line of school buses block the view before the crash. Photos by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1FM Radio.

Crash Scene
The buses move away to reveal the crash scene.
Mock Fatal Crash exercise
May 16, 2016
The Wyoming Highway Patrol, along with other local law enforcement, first responders, members of the criminal justice system and school administration hosted a mock fatal car crash scene at the Pinedale High School on Monday, May 16th. The goal of the mock crash was to educate teenagers and young adults about the tragedy of traffic crashes and to reinforce the importance of seat belts, paying attention behind the wheel and to show the consequences of drinking and driving. The mock crash began at 9:00 a.m. and last until 9:30 a.m. Later, there was a school assembly at 12:00 p.m. in the high school gym with a mock courtroom setting and impact statements.
Traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death for Wyoming teenagers, primarily due to inexperience behind the wheel, poor seat belt use and risk-taking behaviors such as speeding, texting, and other distracted driving. Alcohol use can also be a major factor in teen crashes, especially during prom and graduation seasons.
Photos by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1FM Radio