One Lunger
Photos by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography.

Sled 291
Team Garrett Easton and Clay Coleman of Rock Springs on a 1971 Evinrode Bobcat 55.
One Lunger Snowmobile Race
Photos by Tara Bolgiano
February 18, 2013
Update 2/21/13: The result information given to us transposed the One Lunger Single Class first and second place winners. Correction: TYLER PIERCE AND TYLER KAMP -- were 1st. Steve Kujawa and Scott Custer -- were 2nd. _____________________________
The Pinedale Snow Explorers Snowmobile Club held their annual One Lunger Snowmobile Race on Saturday, Feb. 16th at the Sagebrush Downs track north of Cora. Twenty-eight teams entered the adult races. Most of the sleds entered were 1970s vintage. The oldest sled was 1971; the newest was a 1980 machine.
2013 WINNERS: Single Cylinder class 1 place: Steve Kujawa, Casper, Scott Custer –Evansvill, '73 Arctic Cat lynx #17k (correction: actually took 2nd place) 2 place: Tyler Kamp, Daniel, Tyler Pierce, Daniel, 73 Yamaha 292 #59 -- and they had capes on! (correction: actually took 1st place) 3 place: Dave Leniger, Boulder, Forsty Hittle, Boulder, 72 Artic Cat Puma #cv 742 Twin class 1 place: Bob Millican and Blain Matthews, 73 Ski Doo TNT #23 2 place: Jeff Biffle. Pinedale, Adam Johnson, 73 Ski Doo Everst #247 3 place: Susie Leniger, Boulder, Celeste Wamsley, Pinedale, #211
Ten kids, between the ages of 2 and 8, entered the Youth Race on 120cc sleds. The first place winner was Otis Leniger. Second place winner was 4-year old Logan Carillo. Third place was 8-year old Noah Sletten.
Click on this link for more race results
Photos by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography