Open House
There was a big community turnout for the QEP Open House.

Front lobby
Jeanette Losett greets visitors at the QEP office front desk.
QEP Open House
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
November 6, 2012
QEP Resources held an Open House for their new Pinedale office building on Monday, November 5th. The building is located approximately three miles south of Pinedale on US 191.
The new office complex is a 23,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility located on over 200 acres. The facilities include offices, conference spaces, a full kitchen, a crew room, locker facilities and an on-site vehicle maintenance shop. The complex is equipped to serve up to 100 employees. The complex cost around $7 million dollars to construct.
The buildings were designed to look rustic and blend with the rural nature of the community. The main building as built with energy efficiency in mind. It is entirely cooled by natural gas through a custom-built absorptive gas chiller.
QEP Resources, Inc. is an independent energy company focused on the exploration, production, gathering, processing and marketing of natural gas, natural gas liquids and crude oil in the continental United States. The company is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. They have 181 employees working in Wyoming. In 2011, the company spent $360 in capital spending in Wyoming and paid a total of $91 million in production and royalty taxes in Wyoming.
The company has been operating in Wyoming since the 1920s. They drilled their first well in the Pinedale Anticline in 1963, but operations didn’t take off until the late 1990s after hydraulic facturing was discovered as a technique to release natural gas from tight sand geologic formations. The company says they have over 1,000 wells left to drill in the field, which is expected to last over 40 more years.