Clinic participants
All the students at the 2012 Crossfire Arena's Justin and Jhett Johnson Team Roping Clinic held March 31 and April 1. Left side of the sign Rodney, Dwain, Kent, Bill, Angie, Rives, Wyatt, Trent, Alison, Eriks, Kristi, Shawn, Taron, Brandon, Tan, Micky, Kris, Ross. ON the right side of the sign, Chett, Connor, JD, Shelby, Carson, Justin, Roy, Kat ,Shawn and on the gray horse Jhett Johnson. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Tanya and Dwain
Tanya Mackey of Big Piney and Dwain Park of Casper test there ropoing skills at the Crossfire Arena's Johnson team roping clinic. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Branson and Micky
Branson Headrick and Micky Hicks rope the Hot Heels! Photo by Carie Whitman.

Hot Heels
Taron Sayor and Jhett Johnson track the Hot Heels for position. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Rodney Leisbeth of Boulder listens to what Jhett Johnson has to say about his heel loop.
Photo by Carie Whitman.

Got him!
Oh yeah! This is what we are looking for. Header Kent Profit and heeler Roy Wolaver get one roped.
Photo by Carie Whitman.

Kristi Kainer
Kristi Kainer gets one roped right there for everyone to see! Photo by Carie Whitman.

Team Roping
Header Justin Johnson spins one for his brother Jhett Johnson the 2011 World Champion Heeler at the Crossfire Arean's Johnson Brothers Team Roping Clinic. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Jhett Johnson
Jhett Johnson 2011 World Champion Heeler signing a Crossfire Arena T-shirt won by one of the students. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Lunch was provided on Sunday during the clinic by Crossfire Ranch Supply and with manager Howard White cooking up a YUMMY brisket sandwich. Pictured here Howard White, Shawn Choate, Klint Choate, Trudy Slagowski and Rives White. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Justin and Shelby
Justin Johnson enjoys his lunch with Shelby Eckley, one of the students at the Crossfire Arena's Johnson team roping clinc. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Jhett Johnson enjoys the lunch break with his boy (far right) Carson, Connor Smith and Chett Whitman. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Dummy roping
The mornings were spent roping the dummy to try and perfect the loop before going to live cattle. Photo by Carie Whitman.

Every student was entered in the Crossfire Arena T-Shirt roping on Sunday. Justin and Jhett autographed some of the shirts at the completion of the weekend. Photo by Carie Whitman.