Honoring Rose
A plaque will be put on the new livestock barn honoring Rose Skinner.
QEP Honors Rose Skinner
by Pinedale Online
November 21, 2011
Monday afternoon, QEP Resources hosted a small reception honoring former Pinedale Mayor Rose Skinner. Last month QEP donated 35 acres 2 miles south of Pinedale on the old Maytag Ranch to create the Rose Skinner Preserve and Sublette County 4-H Agricultural Center.
QEP Resources President and CEO Charles Stanley presented Rose with a plaque that will be placed at the Agricultural Center honoring her contributions to Pinedale and Sublette County. Mr. Stanley explained when the ranch was purchased as a location for the new QEP offices, the Maytag family wanted part of the historic 200 acre ranch to remain a ranch for the benefit of the community. QEP is honoring that commitment with the donation of the 35 acres as well as building a livestock barn allowing kids to participate in 4-H livestock programs that would not otherwise have a place to keep their animals. QEP also wanted to "recognized and honor the tremendous contributions Rose has made to the Town of Pinedale and Sublette County during her many years of public service". Wyoming Congressman Cynthia Lummis also made a special trip to Pinedale for the reception. Mrs. Lummis was involved in 4-H for many years during her youth, and when she told about the project, she gave one of her personal 4-H pins to QEP CEO Charles Stanley, which he wore to the reception. Unlike some other energy companies, Mrs. Lummis said QEP is committed to the State of Wyoming and is a part of our community by building their office in Pinedale creating 90 permanent jobs. When she found out the Preserve would be name in honor of Rose Skinner, she had to be here. Mrs. Lummis said Rose was a determined strong advocate for her community, and fondly remembers encountering Rose in Cheyenne while serving as Wyoming State Treasurer.
U.S. Senator John Barrasso could not attend, but his field representative Sandy Da Rif presented CEO Stanley with a flag that had been flown over the US Capitol that can now be flown over the new QEP office when completed.
Rose said the project "blows me over" and is proud to lend her name to the effort. Always the champion of her community of over 50 years, Rose could not help pointing out that 90 permanent jobs still means a lot to Pinedale. Rose served as Mayor from 1996 to 2006 during the critical early development years of the Jonah and Pinedale Anticline Gas Fields causing significant changes to the town.
Kevin Williams of QEP indicated the livestock barn probably will be built next spring. Robin Schamber and the Sublette County 4-H Council will help with the layout and design of the building.