Walk-In Hunting Atlas now available
by Wyoming Game & Fish
August 22, 2011
The 2011 walk-in hunting atlas is now available featuring hundreds of walk-in areas and thousands of acres where hunters can access private lands for a variety of species. Hunters can obtain a copy of the walk-in atlas at Game and Fish offices and license agents throughout the state. The atlas is also available online at http://gf.state.wy.us . Game and Fish public access coordinator Matt Buhler said hunters are encouraged to use the atlas on the Game and Fish website as it is more up-to-date than the printed version. "Several changes were made after the atlas was sent to the printer and additions or deletions that have occurred since that time have been posted on our website," Buhler said.
Buhler said walk-in areas include more than 700,000 acres of public access throughout much of Wyoming. "This is an increase over the acreage provided last year," Buhler said.
Walk-in areas are available in 21 of Wyoming’s 23 counties. The walk-in areas differ from the hunter management areas, another Game and Fish public access program, in that no permit must be obtained to hunt.
Walk-in areas are available for elk, deer, and antelope as well as a variety of upland bird species, waterfowl, small game, and predators. The walk-in atlas lists the species that can be hunted within the area and the dates when the walk-in area can be accessed.
The walk-in program is funded to a large extent through the Game and Fish AccessYes program through contributions of anglers and hunters usually at the time of license purchase and application.