Camp Creek Burn smoke
Camp Creek burn on June 27, 2011. This is a prescribed burn in South Cottonwood Creek of the Wyoming range. It is being done to improve aspen regeneration to benefit elk habitat. Photos by T.J. Hunt.

Dark smoke
This is a cooperative project between the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
BLM Pinedale Field Office plans Camp Creek prescribed fire
by Bureau of Land Management
Original post June 27, 2011 | Updated June 29, 2011
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Pinedale Field Office (PFO) plans to conduct a 1,154 acre prescribed fire within the 3,523 acre Camp Creek project area as part of the 9,000 acre Wyoming Front Aspen Restoration Project (WFARP). It is anticipated that optimal burn conditions will allow operations to commence by the end of June.
The Camp Creek prescribed fire is the third burn associated with the WFARP, a multi-year joint effort by the BLM and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to improve forest health and wildlife habitat in aspen and aspen-mixed conifer stands in Sublette and Lincoln counties. The burn will also reduce existing fuel loads and improve fuel breaks to reduce the potential for catastrophic wildfires.
The project area is located between South Cottonwood Creek and Beecher Creek along the BLM and U.S. Forest Service boundary in Township 32 North, Range 114 West, Sections: 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, and 30; and Township 33 North, Range 114 West, Sections: 29 and 32.
A map and additional information on the Camp Creek prescribed fire is available at www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/programs/Fire/rxfire/highdesert/campcreek.html. Map: http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/wy/programs/fire/hdd.Par.72861.Image.-1.-1.1.gif
For more information, contact Greg Reser, PFO natural resource specialist for fire and fuels, at 307-328-4250 or greser@blm.gov. _______________________________ 6/29/11 Editor's Note: We've updated this story to add photos of the burn by T.J. Hunt.