2011 District 7 History Day
Back row: (l-r): Laura Noble, Sierra Hosea, Garrett Anderson, Myra Davison, Tessa Wilson, Teresa Perez, and Laura Delgado. Front row: (l-r): Heidi Feck, Talyn Hutta, Sonya Legerski, Fallon Ramsey, Jake Hathaway, Rozel Santos, Camille Whitehair, Israel Duran

Laura Delgado
Laura Delgado (R), got 1st Place in Historical Papers for her presentation, "Debating the Border". Handing out awards was District 7 Coordinator, Ann Noble.

Teresa Perez
1st place: Teresa Perez took 1st Place Under Senior Websites for her project, "Changes of Immigration in the United States." She received the Dr. David Kathka History Day Award.

Israel Duran
Israel Duran placed 2nd under Websites for his project, "The Atomic Bomb." He also received the Sublette County Historic Preservation Board scholarship award for "Best of the Show".

District 7 History Day, held at the Marbleton Senior Center, was for students in Sublette, Sweetwater, Lincoln and Uinta counties.
Students compete in District History Day
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
April 10, 2011
Fifteen students from Sublette County competed in the District 7 competition of National History Day on Friday, April 8th.
The competition was held at the Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Citizen Center in Marbleton. District 7 is composed of Sublette, Sweetwater, Lincoln and Uinta counties. Students who entered this year were from Pinedale Middle School and Big Piney High School.
Students who placed will go on to compete in the Wyoming State competition on Monday, April 18th at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The students who qualify at State will go on to Nationals, which will be held June 12-16, 2011, at the University of Maryland, College Park.
National History Day is an academic program to give elementary and secondary school students an opportunity to choose a historical topic related to a theme, conduct extensive research, and create an original exhibit, performance, documentary or website with an interpretation on that story. Their projects are entered into competitions at local, state and national levels where they are evaluated by professional historians and educators. The theme for 2011 was: "Debate & Diplomacy in History: Success, Failures, Consequences".
DISTRICT RESULTS: Historical Papers: Senior: 1st place: Laura Delgado, Big Piney High School, "Debating the Border" Juniors: 1st place: Laura Noble, Pinedale Middle School, "The Carving of Mount Rushmore" 2nd place: Sonya Legerski, Pinedale Middle School, "The Effect of Indian Boarding Schools" Seniors Websites: 1st place: Teresa Perez, Big Piney High School, "Changes of Immigration in the United States" 2nd place: Israel Duran, Big Piney High School, "The Atomic Bomb"
Junior Group Performance: 1st place: Sierra Hosea, Talyn Hutta, Heidi Feck, Pinedale Middle School, "Fire or Turning Point"
Junior Group Exhibits: 1st place: Jake Hathaway, Garrett Anderson, Pinedale Middle School, "Cuban Missile Crisis" 2nd place: Myra Davison, Tessa Wilson, Pinedale Middle School, "Boston Tea Party" 3rd place: Camille Whitehair, Rozel Santos, Pinedale Middle School, "Indian Boarding Schools"
Junior Individual Exhibits: Fallon Ramsey, Pinedale Middle School, "Ronald Reagan"
Scholarships: Dr. David Kathka History Day Award – Teresa Perez, Big Piney High School Sublette County Artists Guild Scholarship – Sonya Legerski, Pinedale Middle School Sublette County Historical Society Scholarship – Camille Whitehair and Rozel Santos, Pinedale Middle School Green River Valley Museum Scholarship – Fallon Ramsey, Pinedale Middle School Surveyor Scherbel Scholarship – Garrett Anderson and Jake Hathaway, Pinedale Middle School Sublette County Historic Preservation Board – Best of the Show: Israel Duran, Big Piney High School
Sponsors: Rocky Mountain Bank Chambers House Bed and Breakfast Mike’s Oil Field Service Union Cellular
Judges: Kenda Tanner, Helena Linn, Paul Rock, Carrie Budd, Clint Gilchrist, Sam Drucker, Angie Thomas, Carrie Anderson, Dennis Kuhnel
Teachers: Big Piney students were helped by teacher Jonita Sommers. Pinedale Middle School students were helped by Mitch Irrgang and Ann Noble. District 7 Coordinator: Ann Noble
Thank you to Ann Noble for her assistance with this article. Photos by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!