Check for Cora Post Office
Kendall Valley Fire Chief, Festus
Kraus presented the Cora Postmaster,
Pat Poletti, with a check to help
cover the
cost of the new post office sign.


Several items were donated for the
live auction.

Firehouse Library

Rifle Raffle
James Thomas shows a group of boys the guns that were donated. James donated a John Wayne
100th Anniversary, Model 92, Lever Action, 44-40 Rifle. Ron and Michelle Hosler donated a Youth 410 Gauge, Single Shot,
Break Action Shotgun for the special rifle raffle.

"Stampede" band members, David Anderson and Steve & Terri Taylor, from Roy, Utah, played during the

Volunteers Needed
KVVFD is looking for volunteer

Kendall Valley VFD
The event took place at the fire
station in the Upper Green, 2470
Hwy 352, approximately 20 miles
past Cora on WYO 352.

Kendall Valley Volunteer Fire
Department hats on sale.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, sides and lots of dessert were served.

The speakers had to be covered due to the rain showers that blew through.

Band Aide
Volunteer fireman, Jeff Piros, applies a bandaide to Josef McCulloch after
he takes a fall in the dirt.