Meet me on the Green!
Rendezvous is four days of fun, play, entertainment, history, rodeoing and partying in Pinedale. There is always something going on, and lots to see and do! Here, Dave Vlcek plays the part of Joe Meeks during the Rendezvous Pageant (Sunday at 1:00PM). Pinedale Online file photo.

Sunday's Rendezvous Pageant is an elaborate outdoor production re-enacting the story of Rendezvous. Many locals are involved in this huge production. Cast members play the parts of Jim Bridger, William Sublette, Jedediah Smith, Joe Meeks, Native Americans, Pony Dancers, William Drummond Stuart, Alfred Jacob Miller, Father DeSmet, Whitman Missionaries and many more. It takes place at 1:00 PM at the Rendezvous Grounds (behind the rodeo arena just south of Pinedale). Admission is $5. The Lions Club will provide concessions. It is a "Must See" during Rendezvous! MeetMeontheGreen.com Pinedale Online file photo.

Rendezvous Rodeo
Travis Whitman of Big Piney competed in the 2008 Rendezvous Rodeo. Admission $5 (12 & under free). Photo by Carie Whitman.

Museum of the Mountain Man
Open daily from 9AM to 5PM. Many programs are taking place on the grounds outside the museum. Over 30 programs during Rendezvous Days, including children's programs - all are free! Museum admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, $3 for children 6-12. The Museum is located on the hill on the east end of Pinedale, overlooking town. Schedule. 307-367-4101. MuseumoftheMountainMan.com

American Mountain Men
Members of the American Mountain Men will be at the Museum of the Mountain Man to give talks about what it was like to be a mountain man. Pinedale Online file photo of AMM member Crazy Cyot, 2008 Rendezvous.

Michael Terry
Plains Indian Historian Michael "Bad Hand" Terry will give presentations at the Museum of the Mountain Man. 2008 Rendezvous, Pinedale Online file photo.

Pinedale Aquatic Center
The Pinedale Aquatic Center has pools, a rock climbing wall, basketball courts, racquet ball courts, tennis courts, exercise equipment, and a raised running track. Hours are Monday through Friday 5AM to 7:30PM. Saturday open after the parade (about noon), until 6PM. Sunday from Noon to 6PM. Schedule for July 6-12, 2009 (PDF). PinedaleAquatic.com, 397-367-2832.
Rendezvous: the biggest party of the year for Pinedale! What to see and do.
Thursday-Sunday, July 9-12th
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
July 8, 2009
Let’s Party! Rendezvous Days are here!
The Green River Rendezvous has something for everyone! Thursday through Sunday, July 9th through 12th, Pinedale comes alive with festivities for Rendezvous. The event is sponsored by the Museum of the Mountain Man, the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce, and many local organizations and businesses. If you are new to town, stop by our beautiful new Visitor Center in downtown Pinedale and pick up a free Rendezvous Schedule of Events, maps. They’ll be open every day during Rendezvous Days. Phone 307-367-2242.
Click here for lots of pictures from past Rendezvous Days.
Click here for the General Schedule of Events
Click here for the Museum of the Mountain Man Schedule
Everyone is welcome to join in the spirit and enjoy the fun! If you’d like to dress up, and didn’t bring your buckskins, feel free to dress up however you like. The more colorful the better. Employees at local businesses will be dressed up in the spirit of the celebration too. Check out the pictures in this story for ideas for getting into the rendezvous spirit.
The weather is forecast to be sunny and in the mid-80s during the day, but it will cool off quickly after the sun goes down. Bring clothes to layer, and don’t forget sunscreen!
We’re always available and happy to answer questions too. Call anytime, including evenings and on the weekend if you have questions, 307-360-7689. That’s a cell number, so it’s always with someone who can answer questions. Leave a message if we don’t answer right away, and we’ll call back as soon as we can. You can also e-mail support@pinedaleonline.com if you have questions. We can deliver messages during emergencies. (For serious emergencies, contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4378.)
STREET FAIR, Daily, Thursday - Sunday Downtown, there will be a Street Fair with over 60 vendors with booths lining Pine Street. There will be all kinds of items for sale, and plenty of great food.
TRADERS ROW, Daily, Thursday - Sunday Trader’s Row will be located between Ridley’s Grocery store and the Sublette Center. Vendors in this enclosed area will be selling "period authentic" goods. These are items that are true to what would have been sold during the early 1800s as trade goods.
RENDEZVOUS RODEO – Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 7:00 PM, $5 admission The Rendezvous Rodeo takes place over three nights, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the rodeo grounds, up on the hill just south of Pinedale. The rodeo starts at 7PM each night. Events include bulls, saddle bronc, bareback riding, calf roping, team roping, tie down roping, barrel racing and breakaway. Admission is $5/person (12 and under free).
LIVING HISTORY AT THE MUSEUM OF THE MOUNTAIN MAN, Daily, Thursday – Sunday, free The Museum of the Mountain Man will have many living history talks and demonstrations every day throughout the weekend. Events include talks by the authors who were selected to be published in this year’s Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, an annual publication of the Museum. Meet the authors on Thursday night at 6:00 PM for a reception, the 2009 Awards, and book signing. Dr. Fred Gowans will speak on Thursday at 7:30 PM on "The Tragedy on Two River." Returning to give talks Friday through Sunday is Plains Indian historian Michael "Bad Hand" Terry, with presentations on the everyday life of pre-reservation era Plains Indians. (Be sure to go inside the museum and see the impressive buffalo hide tipi and furnishings display hand-made by Michael Terry.) Vendors will have tents located on the grounds outside the museum. These are run by members of the American Mountain Men Association. Goods sold are period-authentic item. Many of these men have helped create mountain man displays inside the museum, and also will be giving living history demonstrations and talks on a variety of topics each day at the museum. All events outside the Museum are free. The Museum is open from 9AM to 5PM daily. Admission is $5.00 for adults, $4 for senior citizens, $3 for children age 6-12. Gift Shop open The Museum will host their annual buffalo burger lunch Friday and Saturday between 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Cost is $7 for burger, chips, watermelon & lemonade. Hotdogs available too ($4). Click here for a complete Schedule of Events and guest speakers up at the Museum.
RENDEZVOUS PAGEANT – Sunday, 1:00 PM Since 1936, local residents have held a historical re-enactment of the events of the era with the Green River Rendezvous Days Pageant. This elaborate production, held each year on Sunday, tells the story of the 1837 Rendezvous. With many locals as cast members, the pageant is outside production that acts out the story of famous mountain men, Native Americans, and the first white emigrants who passed through leading the way for the Oregon Trail migration and future settling of the West. With a façade of Fort Bonneville as the backdrop, the scene includes an Indian village with teepees, mountain man shelters, horseback riders, and horse-pulled fur company resupply wagons. It lasts about an hour. The local Lions Club will be on hand to serve a BBQ lunch. Admission is $5/person. Click here for more information: www.MeetMeontheGreen.com
OTHER EVENTS: RENDEZVOUS RAMBLE 5 MILE WALK/RUN TO FREMONT LAKE OVERLOOK – Saturday, 7:00 AM, Entry fee $5 Register anytime before the race. The $5 entry fee includes a t-shirt. Proceeds will be donated to the McKenzie Meningitis Foundation. Start is at the Tegeler/Allen Agency building on the corner of Tyler & Pine Streets in Pinedale. The route follows the Fremont Lake Road to the Fremont Lake overlook.
RENDEZVOUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST – Saturday, 7AM-10AM, Pinedale Community UUC Church Pancakes, ham, eggs, juice, coffee and milk. Free will donation, all you can eat. Annual event by the church for nearly 20 years. 113 S Maybell in Pinedale.
RENDEZVOUS RUMBLE 3-on-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT – Saturday, 9:00 AM to Noon At the High County Suites parking lot. Click here for more info.
RENDEZVOUS PIE SALE – Saturday, 9AM-2PM, St Andrews in the Pines Episcopal Church Buy a slice or the whole pie! Fruit pies, pecan pies, coconut cream pies, chocolate pies, more! 524 W Pine Street in Pinedale.
RENDEZVOUS PARADE – Saturday, 11:00 AM, Down main street/US 191 in Pinedale Note to traffic: US 191 will be closed to through traffic during the parade. No cross traffic allowed between A to Z Hardware to Ridley’s Grocery Store during the parade.
WOMAN’S FRYING PAN TOSS – Saturday, Noon, Trader’s Row $5 entry fee. Payout given at the end of the event. 1st, 50% of purse per event, 2nd-30% of purse, 3rd – 20% of purse.
KIDS FISHING DERBY – Saturday, Noon to 2:00 PM, Town Park Kids’ Fishing Pond
HORSE SHOE TOURNAMENT – Saturday, 1:00 PM, American Legion Park
LIVE MUSIC – Friday & Saturday, The Lonesome Heroes! "The Lonesome Heroes!" on Friday night at Wind River Brewing Company starting at 7:00 PM, free! "Science Rockets" on Friday night at 7:30 PM at Rock Rabbit outdoor stage, free! (This event is not shown on the printed schedules.) "The Lonesome Heroes!" on Saturday between 6-10PM at the outside stage between Rock Rabbit and the Sublette County Visitor Center. Sponsored by the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce. Free!
FIREWORKS – Saturday at dusk Set off from the Ball Fields, north of the Medical Clinic. Fireworks will be visible from most places in Pinedale. Sponsored by the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce.
ATLATL, HAWK, KNIFE and PRIMITIVE BOW AND ARROW COMPETITION – Sunday, 8:00 AM Next to Proactive Rehabilitation. $5 entry fee. $.25 per practice throw. Pay out given at the end of the event.
PRAIRIE MASS AT DeSMET MONUMENT NEAR DANIEL – Sunday 10:00 AM On the hill overlooking the historic Rendezvous Grounds, southeast of Daniel. Approximately 1 mile south of Daniel on US 189, turn east at the Daniel Cemetery sign-DeSmet Monument Historical Marker and follow the main gravel road to the end to the monument.
FARMER’S MARKET – Sunday, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (note time correction. On North Tyler Avenue in Pinedale between the Sublette County Visitor Center and Wise Connections. Fresh produce!