Daphne Platts
"This is the happiest day for all of us who work at the library." - Library Director Daphne Platts

John Carney of Carney Arthitects from Jackson, speaks during the grand opening ceremony.

Sublette County Library - Pinedale Branch 307-367-4114. SubletteCountyLibrary.org
Pinedale Library Addition Grand Opening
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
May 31, 2009
The Sublette County Library in Pinedale held their Grand Opening and Open House for their new addition on Sunday, May 31st. The event started outside the front entrance with opening speeches by Pinedale Library Director Daphne Platts, John Fixter of Fixter Construction Company, John Carney of Carney Architects, Pinedale Mayor Steve Smith, and Sublette County Commissioner Joel Bousman.
The new building began as a concept in 2005 when Platts approached the Sublette County Commissioners with a request for a new library addition. The Commissioners gave the go-ahead and Carney Architects out of Jackson was hired to design the new building.
"This is the happiest day for all of us who work here at the library," said Platts. "This new building represents the future of Pinedale."
John Carney said, "I think public buildings say a lot about what we think about ourselves as a community." He added, "For Pinedale to do these kinds of buildings, I think this really speaks volumes about the commitment this county has to quality, art and education."
The Library received a $20,000 grant to pay for the photovoltaic system which will be installed on the south side of the building.
Ruth Noble did the honors at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Classical guitarist Byron Tomingas played during the reception with people enjoyed refreshments and the public had a chance to tour the new building. People had a chance to have their pictures taken holding a favorite book to be made into READ posters for display in the library. A meet & greet was held later with the architects, designers and builders (Carney Architects, Fixter Construction Company, and Sirewall Inc). They gave a discussion on "Building Green."
The new addition features a large meeting room that can hold 195 people, a community lobby area with kitchen facilities, a small conference room, a hallway coffee bar, Western Heritage book room with conference table, offices and public restrooms. There are many pieces of artwork by local artists and area photography on display throughout the new addition.
The special arthitectural features include "rammed earth" walls on the new building. The dirt used in the walls was brought in from Mark Noble’s pit in Cora. The rammed earth technique allows for structural stability as well as beautiful layering effects in the dirt.
The main community room has a beautiful floor design called the Labyrinth. This was the inspiration of Library Director Daphne Platts, and is patterned after the labyrinth on the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France. It is intended to be a design element people can walk for relaxation or pleasure. There will be a ceremony on Friday, June 5th, to dedicate the Labyrinth in the memory of Gayle McMurry Kinnison, who was a strong supporter and philanthropist of the Pinedale community.
The library has events planned all week as part of their Grand Opening for the new addition.
Photos by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!