County Commissioner John Linn praises the dedication and efforts of the firefighters.

Kurt Krech
"Hickory smoked hot dogs - beer soaked!"

Long Line
The food line never seemed to get any shorter.

"Stampede!" is from Roy, Utah. They are David Anderson and Steve & Terri Taylor.

Remington 770 Rifle
James Thomas generously donated this Remington 770 - 270 camoflage hunting rifle with scope, won by Todd Stevie.

Gun raffle
Big Piney fireman John Ball signs up for the gun raffle. Seated at the table (L to R): Connie Fogle, Stephanie Dicorato, Mallory Dicorato, Ross Buchanan.
Kendall Valley Fire Dept BBQ & Grand Opening
Sublette Countys newest volunteer fire department
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
August 21, 2008
Kendall Valley Volunteer Fire Department held their Grand Opening and 2nd annual BBQ on Saturday, August 16th.
KVVFD Fire Chief Festus Kraus welcomed everyone to the event. Short speeches were given by Retired Sublette County Fire Warden John Blaha and County Commissioners Joel Bousman and John Linn. James Nelson served as Master of Ceremonies and Auctioneer for the event. Western music band, "Stampede!" from Roy, Utah, provided musical entertainment. Members of the fire department gave tours of the new station.
Several hundred people showed up for the great food, auctions and to help the Upper Green River Valley community celebrate their new fire station.
Many people generously donated towards the event. "A thank you to all the merchants and individuals who supported our 2nd Annual BBQ on Saturday," said Lois Buchanon. James Thomas donated a Remington Stainless Steel model 770 rifle to be raffled off. Cindy and Ron Wilson made a generous donation towards the new station flag pole.
Volunteers still needed! KVVFD is currently accepting applications for Fire Fighter and Medic candidates. Anyone who is interested can contact Fire Chief Festus Krause or Joe Sampson, or attend one of their monthly business meetings, held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. They also welcome anyone who is interested to serve the community from an Auxiliary Fire Company support position. They have several areas where they can use some help.
The Kendall Valley Volunteer Fire Company can be reached by mail at PO Box 252, Cora, WY 82925. Their physical address is 2470 Hwy 352. Their e-mail is kvvfd@wyoming.com, contact cell phone: 307-260-8164 (no telephone available at the fire hall at this time).
Kendall Valley Volunteer Fire Company Active Members: Festus Krause Fire Chief/Medic Joe Sampson Assistant Chief Fire Lucy Fandek Assistant Chief Medical Jeff Piros Training Officer/Fire/Medic Dawn Perry Treasurer/Fire/Medic Shawn Piros Secretary/Fire/Medic Buc Boudreax Firefighter Jaime Burgess Firefighter Jeff Debenport Firefighter John Doak Firefighter Judy Hedrick Fire/Medic Arthur Kolis Firefighter Christi Krause Firefighter Kurt Krech Firefighter Keary Painter Firefighter Jimmy Smith Firefighter Bev Walker Medic Mark Weber - Firefighter
Donors James Thomas Remington gun for the raffle Tool Pushers Supply Sodas M&M Transfer Porta Potties and dumpster VFW and Pinedale EMS Tables and chairs Wyoming Game & Fish - Tables
Monetary donations First Bank - (and Radio ad) Trona Valley Credit Union First State Bank of Pinedale Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hall Carney Ranches The Tire Store Sublette Communications Arthur Kolis Family Los Cabos Restaurant Pinedale Auto Supply
On Loan: Sublette County Library - 2 easels Lions Club - BBQ grill and 2 men Enterprise Products - BBQ Grill Mr. and Mrs. Bourdreaux - Food fly tent Museum of the Mountain Man - Eating tent
Donations to the Fire Station: Ridleys Market - 43 used chairs and a Hoover vacuum The Place - Coffee pot Mr. & Mrs. Bertagnoli - Fridge and folding chairs
2008 Auction Donors: China Gourmet - $30 Gift Card Top Shelf Arctic Cat "Cat Caddy", 2 Glass Mugs Great Outdoor Shop Baby Carrier Back Pack The Barn Door Tin of Fire Starter Pinecones Hair Outfitters Hair Care Products Pony Express Brass Picture Frame Office Outlet - $50 Gift Card Jimmy Summerall Float Trip ($375) Cathy Summerall Basket of Candles Los Cabos - $40 Check Cafι on Pine Gourmet Basket Health Gone Wild - $50 Gift Card Western Trails Boutique Bear Linens Bottoms Up - $25 Gift Certificate Pat Poletti-Domek Hand-woven Basket Jeremy at Rendezvous Meadows 2-18 Holes Thompson Outfitters 1 Day Ride for 2 ($300) Obos - $25 Gift Card Cozy Dιcor Gift Basket White Pine Ski Area & Resort 2 Day Passes Cattle Kates - $80 Body Products Sublette Communications - $100 Check Express Auto Care 7 Qt Oil Change Stockmans - $50 Gift Card Buckys 6 Pair of Stihl Gloves Cowboy Shop - $25 Gift Card Patio Grill 1 Box Hamburger Patties 60-1/3 lb Sysco Foods 1 Box of Hot Dogs 50 Pinedale Aquatic Center 2 Punch Cards The Tire Store - $50 Check Wolf Dodge Will donate $100 for every car sold in August A-Z Hardware 1 Pair Gloves Log Cabin Hair - $25 Gift Card Pam Fetzner 2 Speedy Sharps Jim Buchanan Two boxes of flies, (one 5 doz, one 3 doz flies) Michael Cole 3 Piece Ice Chest NAPA - $50 check Subway 5 Sandwich Coupons Buzz Quintrell 15 lbs of Elk Burger Carney Ranches - $100 for hamburger Lois Buchanan Juice extractor, candles, pocket knives, wooden doll Jim Buchanan Knives Mr. and Mrs. Dunning "This and That" basket Pinedale Auto Supply - $50 Jim Summerall 1 Pair Boots Lynns Lifestyles Gift Hair Products, Gift Certificate Mr. and Mrs. Dunning Crystal Dish Wilma Shriver Pictures Tamy Rasmussen Paintings on rocks and leaves Melton Land Fire Miscellaneous items John Fandek Painting Lucy Fandek Afghan and gift of pies Thompson Outfitters Horseback ride for 2 Ron and Cynde Wilson Generous support Thank you!