Memorial Service July 9
A Memorial Service for Garrett was held on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Pinedale Auditorium. A dinner followed at Stockman's. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Tip Top Search & Rescue.

Cards may be mailed to the Bardin and Richie families at PO Box 22 Boulder, WY 82923.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call the Sublette County Sheriff's Office at 307-367-4894 or 307-367-4378.

Info Booth
There is an information booth in the Rainbow camp where flyers are posted, including one for Garrett.

Garrett Please Call
If Garrett is in the Rainbow camp, family members hope he will call and let them know he is ok.

Garrett Bardin
Garrett is 5'11", weight 175 lbs, with brown hair and hazel eyes.
Missing Person: Garrett Bardin
Memorial Service July 9, 10AM, Pinedale Auditorium
by Pinedale Online!
Original post June 24, 2008 | Updated Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Scroll down to the end of this page for well wishes from the community and comments from the family.
Grief Counseling Resources __________________________________________________________
Update Monday, July 7, 2008, 11:00PM: Below is a media release from the Sublette County Sheriff’s office. A Memorial Service for Garrett will be held on Wednesday, July 9, at 10:00 AM at the Pinedale Auditorium. Cards may be sent to the Bardin and Richie Families at PO Box 22, Boulder, WY 82923.
MEDIA RELEASE July 7, 2008 SUBLETTE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE PO BOX 701 PINEDALE, WY 82941 Point of Contact: Special Investigator Randy Hanson - Public Information Officer (307) 367-4378 / (307) 260-7062, randall.hanson@yahoo.com
The body of the man found on July 3rd in the Wind River Mountains not far from the banks of the Big Sandy River has been identified as Garrett Bardin, 24, of Pinedale.
According to Sublette Deputy County Coroner K.C. Lehr and county investigators who recovered the body and processed the scene, the apparent cause of death was a single self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Sublette County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Randy Hanson said Bardin was found by Tip Top Search & Rescue volunteers at about 10:00 AM in a remote area about 650 yards southeast of the spot where his 2006 Lincoln 4x4 pickup was recovered on June 24th, and a little over half a mile from the Rainbow Family Gathering camp.
Searches for Bardin in the high mountain country around the old Dutch Joe Guard Station, carried out by sheriff’s deputies, search and rescue members, family members and volunteers since his family reported him missing on June 24th, produced negative results.
Search efforts on July 2nd and 3rd focused on particularly rough country that officials believed merited additional attention. It was this strategy that resulted in the discovery of Bardin’s body.
During the investigation into Bardin’s disappearance and his last confirmed contact on June 21st, leads were developed that indicated he may have spent time in the Rainbow camp or along its fringes in the days before his death.
"Unfortunately, we may never be able to confirm or rule that out with any degree of certainty," Hanson said.
Hanson said investigators believe Bardin died at least four to five days prior to his body’s discovery.
The identification was facilitated through a dental examination made by a forensic odontologist. Cause of death was determined through scene investigation, scene processing, and a forensic examination of Bardin’s body conducted after its recovery.
Sublette County Sheriff Wayne "Bardy" Bardin, Garrett Bardin’s father, and Carol Richie, his mother, again expressed today their thanks for the efforts and support of the men and women of the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office, Tip Top Search & Rescue, all the volunteers who participated in the search for their son, and the people of Sublette County. __________________________________________________________
Update Sunday, July 6, 2008, 11:00PM: We were notified this evening by Bardy Bardin that it was confirmed today the identity of the body found by Big Sandy was Garrett. A Memorial Service is scheduled for Wednesday, July 9th in the Pinedale Auditorium at 10:00 AM. A dinner will follow at Stockman’s. The family requests that in lieu of flowers anyone who wishes to make a donation please make it to Tip Top Search and Rescue, PO Box 400, Pinedale, WY 82941 (www.tiptopsar.com). Cards to the Bardin and Richie families may be sent to PO Box 22, Boulder, WY 82923 __________________________________________________________
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Editor's Note: See the end of this page for a section with comments from the family and from readers who have written in with well-wishes and kind thoughts of support to the family. Please e-mail to support@pinedaleonline.com. __________________________________________________________
MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 12:00 Noon
Point of Contact: Detective Dick Blust, Jr. - Public Information Officer, (307) 367-4378 / (307) 350-4016, rcblust@yahoo.com
The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office today issued an updated report on its investigation and search efforts regarding 24-year-old Garrett Bardin of Pinedale, missing since June 24th.
According to Undersheriff Jim Whinnery, Bardin’s vehicle, a silver 2006 Lincoln 4x4, was found by sheriff’s deputies on the afternoon of the 24th approximately two miles from the old Dutch Joe Guard Station in the Wind River Mountains about 35 miles southeast of Pinedale, near the site of the Rainbow Family Gathering. Subsequent search efforts by the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office, volunteers of Tip Top Search & Rescue, and family members have so far produced negative results.
The pickup was towed to a county facility, where Sheriff’s Office detectives conducted a forensic examination. The vehicle had sustained a degree of body damage, including three bullet holes. No blood or other evidence of violence or injury was found inside the cab.
"The three shots were fired into the vehicle in what appears a random pattern," Whinnery said. "It’s the sort of gunfire damage we often see in vandalism cases."
Whinnery said his agency’s ongoing investigation has developed and followed up on information that Bardin is inside the Rainbow gathering voluntarily and is unharmed.
"Unfortunately, we cannot, as of today, absolutely confirm that through direct contact with Garrett, as much as we’d like to. The question has been raised, "Why don’t authorities just search the Rainbow camp?" but the fact is that simply isn’t possible. First of all, no law enforcement agency has the authority to carry out a sweep search of the camp, and even if we did, it would be the equivalent of doing a detailed house-to-house search of every home and business in Pinedale. As of this morning, we estimate there are 4,000 people in the camp spread out over miles of rough terrain. It just can’t be done."
Whinnery also explained that Bardin, at age 24, is an adult and faces no criminal charges.
"He’s not a wanted man. He’s missing, and his family and friends are anxious about him."
Whinnery said the ground search will continue today for Bardin, though on a reduced scale. Tip Top Search & Rescue personnel will carry out another tight-scale grid search on both sides of the Big Sandy River in close proximity to the spot where Bardin’s pickup was found.
On Thursday [July 3rd, 2008], searchers will focus on Muddy Ridge, west of the location of Bardin’s vehicle’s recovery, where search dogs previously alerted to his scent. In addition, several local volunteers are searching the area on horseback.
Sublette County deputies, detectives, and law enforcement officers of the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are continuing to monitor the Rainbow Gathering for any information in helping to locate Bardin. Sublette County Sheriff Wayne "Bardy" Bardin, Garrett Bardin’s father, expressed his heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the support and efforts of the people of Sublette County.
"Everyone has been so supportive and helpful, it’s hard to decide who to thank first," he said. "People who have been out searching, putting out flyers... many have even offered to raise money for a reward. It’s times like this where you find out how many friends and neighbors you really have."
The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office continues to ask that anyone with information call in (Sublette County Sheriff’s Office: 307-367-4894). Garrett Bardin is a 24-year-old white male, 5'11" in height, weighs about 175 pounds, and has short brown hair and hazel eyes. __________________________________________________________
Update Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 11:30 AM: Another media release is expected out shortly from the Sublette County Sheriff's Office. We'll post it as soon as we get it. Well-wishes continue to come in for the family. These are being posted at the end of this page. Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. __________________________________________________________
Update Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 10:20 AM, from Detective Blust: Quiet night. No updates or fresh information on the search for Garrett. No incidents at the Rainbow camp. The search is continuing. __________________________________________________________
Update Monday, June 30, 2008, 3:00 PM – Media release from the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office for what happened over the weekend:
The search continued over the weekend for Garrett Bardin, 24, of Pinedale.
Bardin was reported missing by his family on June 24th. At about 4:30 PM on the 24th, his vehicle, a silver 2006 Lincoln 4x4 pickup, was found by sheriff’s deputies approximately two miles from the old Dutch Joe Guard Station in the Wind River Mountains about 35 miles southeast of Pinedale.
The subsequent search effort by the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office and volunteers of Tip Top Search & Rescue has so far produced negative results. Search strategies do date have included a shoulder-to-shoulder search for a radius of over a mile from the location where Bardin’s pickup was found, the use of scent-tracking dogs, and on-foot, motorized, and aerial searches extending out some 20 miles.
Complicating the search for Bardin is the presence of the Rainbow Family gathering near the old Dutch Joe Guard Station. Officials estimate that, as of Monday morning, about 3,500 people, most of them members of the Rainbow Family of Living Light, have congregated in the mountains on or near the southeastern reaches of the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
A number of purported sightings of Bardin, all unconfirmed and many anonymous, have been received by the Sheriff’s Office; none so far have produced tangible results. Garrett Bardin is a 24-year-old white male, 5'11" in height, weighs 175 pounds, and has short brown hair and hazel eyes.
For more information contact Detective Dick Blust, Jr. - Public Information Officer. (307) 367-4894, (307) 367-4378, (307) 350-4016.
Editor’s Note: Detective Blust added, "At this time the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office has no indication of foul play in this investigation." He said the search is ongoing and will continue. Members of Tip Top Search and Rescue, Sheriff’s deputies, family members and friends are still out looking for any sign of Garrett.
Update Monday, June 30, 2008, 1:40PM: The search for Garrett continues today. We've added more comments from people who have written in with well-wishes for the Bardin family. We've also received some notes from family members who wish to express their thanks for the outpouring of support from the community. Scroll down to the end of this page to read these notes. __________________________________________________________
Update Sunday, June 29, 2008, 10:10PM: The search for Garrett continues today. We've added more comments from people who have written in yesterday and today with well-wishes for the Bardin family. Scroll down to the end of this page to read these notes. __________________________________________________________
Update Saturday, June 28, 2008, 11:00 PM: Our apologies for the late update today. We spent the day up at the Rainbow camp looking around and talking with many people - got back to town around 10PM. BLM and Forest Service law enforcement on the scene reported no updates in finding Garrett today. We were out of communication with any of the official Search & Rescue folks all day, so don't have a report from them. But we did run into friends and family members of the Bardin family who were also looking for Garrett in the camp area, and they reported nothing yet. They will continue to look. The Rainbows made an announcement at the evening meal circle asking for more volunteers to search tomorrow in Rainbow teams. They have some ideas of areas they want to check out where they think would be good to look. There are pictures of Garrett in MISSING posters posted throughout the Rainbow camp and everyone we talked to knew he was missing and is on the lookout for him. Rainbow Barry Adams told us he does not believe Garrett is in the Rainbow camp (they have looked in all the camp areas asking about him), however he is the one organizing the search teams and asking for volunteers for tomorrow's search. More and more people are coming into the camp in a steady stream now. Forest Service officials said they expect about 1,000 cars a day soon. The Rainbows estimated there are between 5,000 to 6,000 people there now. We'll do a more complete update, and post photos, later. - Dawn Ballou, Editor, Pinedale Online! __________________________________________________________
Update Friday, June 27, 2008, 7:20 PM from Randy Hanson, Sublette County Sheriff’s Office: Searchers have returned for the day. Still no luck finding Garrett. They will continue the search tomorrow and over the weekend as needed. They are looking everywhere in the Big Sandy area, including in and outside of the Rainbow camp. A lot more people have arrived in the Big Sandy area, making the search that much more complicated. There have been many possible unconfirmed sightings all day today. Searchers do not need any help at this time. They appreciate the offer, but they have plenty of people at this time and don’t want more unnecessary people in the area who might confuse the search process and end up getting in the way rather than helping. Hanson asked us to emphasize that there are a lot of rumors floating around that Garrett has been found, but as of this report he has not. Please do not take down the MISSING posters! Hanson added, at this time they do not think this is a case of foul play.
Update Friday, June 27, 2008, 5:15PM: Garrett still has not been found. Click here for a audio statement by Sublette County Sheriff’s Office Undersheriff Jim Whinnery: Garrett still has not been found – Please do not take down flyers (370K, courtesy Bob Rule/KPIN 101.1 FM Radio). Search and Rescue teams continue looking for Garrett. This is the 6th day of searching. He was last seen and heard from on Saturday, June 21st. Searchers are concentrating on the area around where Garrett’s truck was found on Tuesday in the Big Sandy area and expanding out from there. They are also searching in the Rainbow camp. They appreciate everyone’s concern and offers to help. They are still not needing or asking for volunteers at this time. They currently have people on the ground searching using ATVs, on horseback, on foot and in the air. The SCSO said they had a possible sighting last night, but it turned out not to be him. They have had many reports of unconfirmed sightings. The Sheriff’s Office is asking people to leave the flyers up. The search is continuing, and Garrett still has not been found. Please do not take down the flyers. If you have seen Garrett or have any information about his whereabouts, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4894 or 307-367-4378. __________________________________________________________
Update Thursday, June 26, 2008, 6:00 PM: According to the Sublette County Sheriff’s office, Garrett still has NOT been found and Search and Rescue teams are still looking for him. __________________________________________________________
Update Thursday, June 26, 2008, 11:30 AM: A special fund has been set up at 1st Bank in Pinedale to help the Search & Rescue teams looking for Garrett. The money will be used to help feed and bring in fresh water to the teams. People can drop by the bank at 221 E Pine Street in Pinedale, or mail donations to 1st Bank, PO Box 1510, Pinedale, WY 82941. (1st Bank, 1-307-367-3350/1-800-515-9072). The fund was set up by Suzy Michnevich this morning. __________________________________________________________
Update Thursday, June 26, 2008, 9:30 AM: Phone conversation this morning with Sublette County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) Public Information Officer Randy Hanson: The search is continuing today. At this time, the search is being done by SCSO, Sublette County Tip Top Search and Rescue, and some area ranchers who know the vicinity well and are searching on horseback. Search dogs are on the scene again today. It has rained twice since Saturday, which is somewhat hampering efforts, Hanson said. Garrett’s truck was found Tuesday afternoon in an area to the west and south of the location of the Rainbow camp in the Big Sandy area. Searchers are also looking for him in the Rainbow camp. Hanson said they are not asking for volunteers to help with the search at this time. They have a lot of help already and are in an area that is very rugged.
Below is a media release sent out this morning by the SCSO:
Press Release June 26, 2008 Missing Person
On June 24, 2008, a missing persons report was put out on Garrett Bardin of Pinedale, Wyoming. Mr. Bardin was last seen Saturday morning June 21, 2008. The report indicated that Mr. Bardin was driving a 2006 Lincoln pickup truck.
On June 24, 2008, around 4:30 pm, Garrett Bardin’s 2006 Lincoln pickup was found by Sublette County Sheriff’s deputies in a remote area approximately 4 miles west of the Big Sandy Ranch area. Sheriff’s deputies and the local Tip Top Search & Rescue personnel began an intensive search of that area using scent dogs and foot patrols. As of t his date Mr. Bardin has not been found. Sheriff Deputies and Tip Top Search & Rescue are continuing their search today.
Authority, Bardy Bardin, Sheriff Randy Hanson, PIO ____________ Editor's Note: We will continue to monitor this closely throughout the day and post information as it comes available. If anyone has seen Garrett, or has any information about his whereabouts, please call the Sublette County Sheriff's Office at 307-367-4894 or 307-367-4378. __________________________________________________________
Update Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 5:40PM: Pinedale Roundup article: Sheriff’s son still missing; truck found (By Alecia Warren, June 25, 2008). 5:30PM Update: The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Garrett’s truck was found last night (Tuesday night) in the Big Sandy area of the southern Wind River Mountains. He still has not been located. They did not specify a more exact location or clarify if the truck was found anywhere near the Rainbow encampment. They kept the location vague. Search and Rescue teams have been in the area all day today with search dogs. The SCSO is not asking for volunteers at this time. They want to let the search dogs work in the area and do their tracking before having more searchers in the area that will make it harder for the dogs to track. The SCSO will let everyone know if they decide to ask for more help from the public with this search. __________________________________________________________
Tuesday, June 24, 2008: The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) is searching for Pinedale resident Garrett Bardin. According to a release from the SCSO, he was last seen on Saturday, June 21st headed south on US Highway 191. Bardin is a 24-year-old male, height 5’11", weight 175 pounds, with brown hair and hazel eyes. He is driving a silver, 4-door, 2006 Lincoln Mark LT 4x4 pickup truck with Wyoming plate 23-770B. Bardin’s truck has a silver toolbox in the bed.
A special phone line has been set up for information: 307-367-4894. Please contact the Sublette County Sheriff's Office with ANY sightings or information.
Additional phone contact for the Sheriff's Office: 307-367-4378. Randy Hanson is the Public Information Officer assigned to this case.
Click here for a printable Missing Flyer for Garrett (425K PDF) ____________________________________
Comments For comments about this article, please e-mail: support@pinedaleonline.com
From the Family: 7/4/08: Garrett Bardin’s father, Sublette County Sheriff Wayne "Bardy" Bardin, and Garrett’s mother, Carole Richie, have asked the media to help express their thanks to everyone involved in the investigation and the search for Garrett, and to the people of Sublette County, who have been so caring and supportive in what has been a very trying time for the family. (from a media release from the Sublette County Sheriff's Office on Friday, July 4, 2008)
6/30/08: To the Entire Community: There are no words big enough to express the sincere gratitude we feel toward entire community. We greatly appreciate all the time, effort and money donated to help find Garrett. Keep Garrett in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for being there for us in this difficult time. - Aunt Lynne
6/30/08: "My husband Gary and I just returned from the weekend in Pinedale. We spent Saturday walking the Rainbow camp with our son Anders; Garrett's Uncle Chris Bardin from SLC; and our cousins Carolynn and Bruce Hawtin from Jackson. We were comforted by how sincere and forthcoming the members of the camp were in finding Garrett. Their desire to help was heartwarming. We regret we had to leave Pinedale today without any confirmation of Garrett's presence in the camp. We are grateful that the various agencies and the entire Sublette County community are all offering help in the search and comfort of the families. Thank you for creating the space at the end of the articles for the good wishes from readers staying current with the news on the search. The postings to Bardy, Taylor, Carole and all of the families are so welcome and supportive during this uncertain time. Thank you for offering a most important connection for comfort. I will be giving this web address to our numerous family and friends who are keeping Garrett and all of the family in their hearts and prayers. So many family and friends want to call and offer words of encouragement and also receive news of the search. This posting will allow everyone to reach the families and be informed at the same time. And the phone lines can remain open for agency calls. Please know how grateful we all are to you for providing continued information and a contact channel during Garrett's search." - Pennie Bardin Espeland, Laramie, WY
Well Wishes from the Community: 7/9/08: "All our thoughts, prayers, love and hope." - Warren and Jolene Sikich
7/8/08: "To Garrett's family, our prayers and thoughts are with you." - God Bless, Susie and Jeff Hatch
7/7/08: "May God bring you comfort during this very difficult time for your family." - L. Wilson, Robinson, IL
7/7/08: "My heart to goes out to the family of this young man, and I pray God can give you some closure and bring healing to your hearts." – Marion
7/7/08: "We are so sorry to hear about Garrett. We were wishing there would be much better news. May God keep you all closer during such a tragic time." - Mlinar Family
7/6/08: "My sincere thoughts and prayers are with all of Garrett’s family and friends during this very difficult time." God Bless. - Tracy (Barnes) Garcia.
7/6/08: "To Garrett’s family, We continue to lift you all up in prayer daily. You will continue to be in our thoughts." In Christ, Marc and Gerda Dickinson family
7/6/08: "Dear Carole, I've been praying for you ever since I heard that your son, Garrett, was missing. I continue to pray for him, you, Mr. Bardin, and for all the people who's helping look for him. May God protect and guide all of you in this difficult time." - Blessings, Cecilia Richardson
7/4/08: "To Garrett's family and friends, My thoughts and prayers are with you all.... May God bless you, watch over you and take care of you. As I've read, many people's thoughts, prayers and well wishes are with you right now. Many people from many different areas are holding you deep in their hearts and want to wish you all the comfort and love they have. Please know, I've been praying for you all since I heard about Garrett's disappearance. I am heart sick right now... I will continue to pray for you all, that you may be able to get through this time of need and wish there was something more I could do for you. God Speed," - Debi from Gresham, OR
7/3/08: "Carol and Family - You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. We know Garrett will return home safe. If there is anything we can do help please let us know." Love, Janet & K.O. Riesland, Clearmont Wy
7/2/08: "We are Dana Brewers parents Jack and Wanda Wilson, our hearts are with you daily, if there is anything we can come and do to help with the search, or anything we can do for the family please let us know just email and we will be there to help," Jack and Wanda Wilson
7/2/08: "To all the Bardin family--Many prayers are being sent forth for the safe return of Garrett, as well as for the strength you all need now. Believe! Believe in the power of prayer! Our hearts are with you during this horrendous time, and we send love to all." - Mary and Tim Keaveny, Milwaukee WI
7/2/08: "Dear Bardin Family, You are loved by all of us, and you are in our prayers and thoughts. Please take care of yourselves, and know that we send you our strength, encouragement, and love. You are very important to all of us, and if we were closer we would be hugging all of you now. Dear Bardy, Taylor, Carole, Katie, Penny, Gary, Chris, Jill and extended families we love and care about you so very much. May God give you courage and guidance through this time! With our love and prayers to you all!" Bonnie Weber (Bantis), Valerie & Tex Williams and Julie
7/1/08: "Gary and Pennie and all Garrett's fam..... We pray for Garrett's safe return....our thoughts are with you every day. God Bless." - Love, Terry, Mel and all the Stonehockers
7/1/08: "To The Family: My thoughts and prayers are with you. And to Garrett's Mother: I understand the bond between a Mother and her Son and I can't imagine what you must be going through. Know that I am saying many "mother's prayers" for you." - N. Vasey, Cheyenne, WY
7/1/08: "May God bring you comfort at this very difficult time. We are praying that Garrett will be found safe and home very soon." Richard, Mary and Turner Winn, Hartselle, AL
7/1/08: "Sheriff Bardin - I’d like to suggest that you consider adding Garrett Bardin to the DCI website under their unsolved cases and also include him on the National Center for Missing Adults. I wish you the best in finding him quickly and well." - God speed, Kirk Ledbetter
6/30/08: "Dear Bardy, Carole, Taylor, Aunt Katie, Pennie and family, Chris and family: Please know that you are all in my prayers. Seems like so long since I've seen all of you, but something like this melts away years and miles. You have always been family to me, and I love you all. Please know that I will continue to pray for Garrett, and all of you. My heart is breaking right along with you. We love you all..." - Kory (Carr) Franken and family.
6/30/08: "We join in all the prayers being offered for Garrett,l his family and friends. We ask God to bless all of you and sustain you with courage. We pray he will soon be re-united with his family and friends." Bob and Helena Linn
6/30/08: "To the Bardin Family, Pennie and Gary Espeland: We’ve been following the news daily. I am friends with Pennie (LW2007) and Gary and have been corresponding with them frequently. There are several in Campbell County, Southern Campbell County and Wright that have you in their thoughts and prayers and we are hopeful that Garrett will be safely reunited with you soon." - Sincerely, Nolene Wright, Wright, WY
6/30/08: "Our prayers are with Garrett and his family. If there is anyway that we can do help please let us know." - Jill Hermstad and Andrew Waxe
6/30/08: "Bardy, First I want to thank-you for all the hours and effort you have put in to keep our community's kids safe, secure etc: I remember one night in particular not so long ago. So please let us know if we can help in any way. Our hearts and thoughts go out to you and your family two-fold." - Sincerely, Carol & Jimmy Grimes
6/30/08: "To the entire Bardin Family: AS the days go by and the search continues we want to let you know we are praying and standing with all of you on the safe return of Garrett. Our thoughts are with each of you in this most difficult time. We pray for the Grace of God to be upon each of you to strengthen you in this time." - Tom & Louann Heydt & The Tomassi Families
6/30/08: "Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the family and the searchers as well. I knew Garrett as he was learning to read in the first grade in Pinedale Elementary and he was one of the cutest kids I ever had the pleasure of working with. I still have a recipe book that he was a part of making for me at the end of the year. My husband and I live in Laramie and have most recently been friends of Gary and Penny. We are hoping for the best and for Garretts safe return." Our best wishes, Tim and Pam Stamp, Laramie, WY
6/30/08: "Bardin family: you have our prayers and support for you and we hope you find garrett and that he is ok if there is anything we can do please let us know" - karl, sharon & billy mauch
6/30/08: "Carole & Family, The Richie Family - We are praying and hoping for Garrett's safe return home. We have watched him grow up with the other "Boulder Kids" and he is a wonderful young man. Know that you are loved and we will do anything to help. God Bless all of you. I know he will be just fine." - Grace Jensen, Teri, Toni & Dan
6/30/08: "My thoughts and prayers are with you all. If I can help in any way, please let me know." - Roxanna Jensen
6/29/08: "The prayers from all of my family and church family go to you all. May God keep you all in His loving arms." - Cheryl Jensen Kelly and family - Clarksville TN
6/29/08: "We are praying for Garrett and each and every family member daily. We have unique community support in Sublette County and surrounding areas and pray that Garrett is found very soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all." - Gary and Toni Bohnet
6/29/08: "Bardy and family- We are praying for you. If there is anything we can do, don't hesitate to call on us." - Erin, Beth, Sean and Maerin Fazendin, Saratoga, WY
6/29/08: "Carole, Bardy, Taylor, and family: Our hearts are aching for you right now. You are in our thoughts constantly, and we are praying for Garrett's safe return. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING you need." - Taylene Bell, Lary and Sharon Lozier
6/29/08: "Carol, Bardy and Taylor: Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just returned from out of town today and my heart broke as I saw the flyer on the way through Farson. Please know all of us are ready and willing to help in any way possible." Charlie and Jennifer Swift Wilson, Perry and Madelyn Binning
6/29/08: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bardin family. If there is anything we can do, we are more than willing to help." Bill and Sandra Milleg
6/29/08: "Our prayer is that Garrett will soon be located and safely re-united with his Mom and Dad, family and friends." - Don and Laura Brewer
6/28/08: "to the bardin family, are thoughts and prayers are with you hope you find your son soon and that he is okay." - friends in pavillion wyoming
6/28/08:"My husband and I are from Upper Michigan, have spent time out in Pinedale and often read the Pinedale online. I have been praying everyday for Garrett's safe return and our thoughts are with his family. We have a 24 yr. old son in Kemmerer Wy that spends a lot of time in the mountains and on the streams so we know what we would feel like if it was him missing." - Connie and Jim LaPointe
6/28/08: "We just want to let the Bardin family know that we are thinking of them and we hope and pray that Garrett is returned to them safe and sound. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance." - Chris and Julie Soderberg
6/27/08: "My family and I send our wishes to the Bardin family and our prays are with you." - The Fiornascente Family
6/27/08: "To Garrett’s family: Please know that you and Garrett are in our prayers. We pray for his safe return. You are not alone, there are many friends who are and will gladly be by your sides for anything." - Rob and Sonia Stone
6/27/08: "We here in San Diego send our best wishes to Garrett's family and friends and all the volunteers in Pinedale who are out working hard to find him and bring back word that he is safe & sound." - Dale Ballou May and Ron May