Wind River Range CD
Wind River Range CD cover art shows Fremont Lake, near Pinedale, Wyoming. Photo courtesy Marc Peterson.
Wind River Range Music CD
Marc Peterson, Portland Oregon artist
November 27, 2007
Earlier this month we got a note from Marc Peterson, from Portland, Oregon. He is a musician and artist there and contacted us to let us know about a new CD he has created with music dedicated to the Wind River Mountains and Pinedale, Wyoming area.
“My family and I have been coming to Pinedale the since 1940s, we love Pinedale and Fremont and wanted to show my appreciation to you guys and your awesome area. Your town, it's people and the natural beauty inspired me so much that I have wrote and dedicated an entire CD to Pinedale called ‘Wind River Range’.”
Peterson says he spends a lot of time camping, boating, hunting and fishing with his family. He enjoys getting close to nature by biking and hiking in the wilderness. He has self taught himself on the piano/synthesizer and creates music that he calls meditative musical soundscapes.
Marc’s meditative instrumental songs on this CD were inspired by the Wind River Range. It includes songs entitled: Fremont Lake, Pinedale Wyoming, Skyline Drive, Sasquatch Valley, Lakeside Lodge, Halfmoon Lake, Kolob Canyon and Life to Earth.
“Just by taking a quiet drive up Skyline drive places you at over 9,000 feet above sea-level and a person can see over 100 miles in every direction. The beauty and grandeur of the experience makes one appreciate the creation we call Earth, in all its beauty and light,” he explained. He has spent many summer vacations exploring the mountains, panning for gold and gems, fishing the unknown depths Fremont Lake. “Everyone that visits the area is edified, uplifted and purified in body, mind and spirit.” He uses Fremont Lake as his lead musical piece and has a picture of Fremont Lake on the CD cover. “The people who run the Lakeside Lodge are great hosts, but don't forget to spend a few nights in town, kicking up your heels and feeling the warmth and hospitality of the people of Pinedale, Wyoming,” he said.
To check out Peterson’s Wind River Range meditative music soundscape CD and preview selections of the tracks, visit his website, www.tinymadidea.com.