Dark Pen
Before daylight, the crew is putting the finishing touches on the portable trap.

Visual Barrier
This dark-colored snow fence serves as a visual barrier for the horses, calming them. The Judas horse is being prepared to lure the herd toward the trap.

Pen ready
Professional cowboys are part of the crew, ready to ride and rope any animals that manage to outmaneuver the airplane which will be driving the horses toward the trap.

The helicopter pilot drives small groups of wild horses toward the trap, taking it slow an easy.

Strung out
The horses string out across the countryside, on the move in the right direction.

Heli closer
As the herd nears the trap, the pilot drops his ship in closer, pressuring the horses to move toward the hidden wing to the trap.

Judas wing
The Judas horse and horse handler stand near the wing of the trap, ready to lead the wild bunch into the trap and its pens.

Push to judas
Some of the horses realize it’s a trap, but too late, the heli cuts off the escape route.

Into wing
The horses run through the wings, headed for capture.

Wing to trap
The cowboys rush out from their hiding places behind the burlap-covered wings.

Closing Gate
The gates are quickly closed to the trap.

The remuda is ready to be sorted.

This stud horse managed to break away from the herd and escape, but cowboys on fast horses soon had him roped.

This stud tried to bite everything in his path – from the saddle horses to the rope around his body, the horse even bit the corral panels and gates.

The cowboys figured the way to get the stud into the trap was to get everyone working together, real close.

Using pressure from the bodies of the saddle horses, the stud horse is propelled toward the trap. This was some good horse handling.

Although he blew up a few times on the way to the trap, the stud was handled very gently, and even though he was roped, never even dropped to a knee in all the ruckus.

Into the Wing
Into the wing they go.

At long last, the stud was penned.

Big rigs will haul the horses to the BLM wild horse corrals in Rock Springs for processing. Animals are available for adoption to the public.