Hay Rack Hitch
When snow depths are minimal, Lennie relies on a two horse hitch. Even though it’s more work to harness them up I suspect Lennie prefers driving the four horse team.

Hay Rack Tool Bar
The well organized hay rack’s back end is a combination hardware shop, tack room and human hydration set up.

Monstrous Ice Pick
Beginning on the left side, there is a ring for the shovel Lennie is using, next a combination fencing tool which functions as a hammer, wire cutter and twister and then the Angus “ice pick”.

Harness and Fence Fixers
Next at the bottom center there is a loop of black wire for repairing harnesses, then rope to close gates, and at the bottom a loop of fencing wire for repairing the stack yard fences.

Ice Cold Drinking Water
Finally, at the right rear is a strip of leather for baled hay hooks, a fence stretcher, pitch forks and a jug of drinking water. If the lid and surface of the water freeze, Lennie bangs them on the side of the hay rack.

Lennie Campbell
This is the last view you will get of Lennie until this spring when we start moving cows to mountain pastures. Nice going, they all made it!