7:00 a.m.
Pinedale Animal Control Officer Julie Early takes in a stray dog early Friday morning. Julie has been patrolling the streets of Pinedale for the past 13 years.

6:30 a.m.
Sublette County Swim Team members Jennifer Ramsey and Casey Dean practice early Friday morning before the start of school, in the high school pool.

7:00 a.m.
Every morning Gordie abd Debbie Grant take a walk with their dog, Sundance, through Town Park before the start of their day.

6:30 a.m.
Pastor Jim Silvey of the Pinedale Bible Church leads a men's prayer group early Friday morning at the Wrangler Cafe. He has been leading this morning group for the past 19 years.

6:30 a.m.
The group follows the Scripture as each one takes a turn reading a passage and discussing the lesson.

9:20 a.m.
Jerry Tully drops off a box of magazines at the Pinedale Recycling Center. Jerry drops off magazines and newspapers at the center once a week.

10:45 a.m.
Sherry Kellen and Amanda Adams sing along to "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" at the Pinedale Preschool. This year the Preschool will teach 37 children.

8:11 a.m.
Barbara Boyce wraps ground steak in Faler's Butcher Shop, where she has worked for 30 years.

10:20 a.m.
"This is a high-class outfit," Bob Penton told me describing his Honey Truck, "have you seen my characters on the front?"

7:59 a.m.
Faler's Grocery Manager Ron Wilson uses a propane-powered forklift to unload the supply truck. Mr Wilson put the pallets of food and produce inside the back room of the store, where other Faler's employees unwrapped the groceries, and put the perishables in the freezers and refrigerators.

3:58 p.m.
Rose Skinner is entering her 9th year as Pinedale's Mayor. "Pinedale is a pretty little town and has good people," she says. "You stay here a while and it bites you."

10:10 a.m.
Billy Gransden and his dog, 'Mouse', were busy picking up the trash from the VFW.

7:30 a.m.
Fueling up for the day with coffee and smiles are Ruth Schultz, a first grade teacher, Peggy Shaffer, a second grade teacher, fourth grader Thomas Shaffer, librarian Debbie Grant, and teacher's aides Deb Swift and Melanie Daniel.

7:45 a.m.
Pinedale fourth grade teacher Scott Carpenter readies his classroom before the start of class on Friday morning. This is Mr. Carpenter's first year as a teacher.

8:00 a.m.
Great Outdoor Shop fishing guide Steve Smith readies his boat for a trip on the Green River.

10:15 a.m.
Pinedale Superintendent Dr. Charles Grove pauses for a picture during the high school's prep assembly.

1:30 p.m.
Librarians Jenny Gunn (Back, left), Sukey Hohl, Daphne Waggener, Barbara Ford (front left), and Linda Baker with their favorite books at the Pinedale Library.

10:00 a.m.
Pinedale EMTs Wil Gay (left) and David Noll ham it up for the camera after washing and re-stocking three ambulances. Mr. Gay has been an EMT for 15 years. Mr Noll is originally from New Hampshire, and moved to Pinedale from Rawlins. He has been and EMT for four years.

2:00 p.m.
Brew Master Richie Strom transfers fresh beer to the fermenting tank at the Brew Pub. Mr. Strom has been brewing beer for the Pinedale community for the past year.

10:15 a.m.
VFW Manager Darlene Penton was busy cleaning and restocking the bar when she stopped for a second to smile for the camera.

12:00 p.m.
Young John Mitchell hangs with dad Kevin and firefighters, Kelly Tegeler and Greg Anderson at the Pinedale firehouse before the start of the homecoming parade.

3:00 p.m.
Newlyweds, Greg and Penni Anderson pause for a moment during the Wrangler football game. Mr Anderson works at the high school while his wife is the office manager at the Learning Center. They were married May 29th of this year.

9:40 a.m.
Lenore Percy, owner of Rendezvous Travel, has helped Pinedaleonians with travel plans for 23 "long, wonderful, years."

8:30 a.m.
Sharron Ziegler has been the School Superintendent's Secretary at the Pinedale School District for 16 years. During that time she has seen 5 Superintendents come and go, and is currently working for number 6. "I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing," she says.

10:32 a.m.
Sally Mackey rides her bike around town all summer, and cross country skiis on Fremont Lake during the winters.

3:57 p.m.
Des Burnette has lived in Sublette County and Pinedale for most of her 44 years. She has worked at the Pinedale Game & Fish office for 13 years.

3:00 p.m.
Kris Roark, a Physician's Assistant at the Pinedale Medical Clinic, hard at work in the lab.

3:33 p.m.
Pinedale Town Clerk Patty Racich fought having her picture taken, but eventually gave up this great smile.

12:00 p.m.
Mary Belle Shenefelt and Betty Hunt chat before the start of the homecoming parade along Pine Street.

9:34 a.m.
At a spry 94 years old, Clifton Mauss still drives herself around town. Friday she drove to the new Pinedale Senior Center, Rendezvous Pointe, to ask about volunteering.

12:10 p.m.
The Friday noon aerobics class at Proactive Rehab in Pinedale is usually crowded with 12-15 active women, but last Friday, the class lost enrollment to the homecoming parade. Instructors Kristy LeBleu and Lisa Bedrich as well as stalwart student Dynell Davidson showed up on time.

2:15 p.m.
Pinedale Airport operator Dave Goodwin fuels up a Bridger-Teton National Forest helicopter before the chopper takes off to search for a lost hunter in the Scab Creek area.

7:30 a.m.
Students at the Pinedale Elementary School wait for the doors to open at the start of school.

10:30 a.m.
Senior Courtney Amerine is crowned Pinedale High School's Homecoming Queen. Senior Coulter Stroud accompanied Courtney as the Homecoming King.

2:07 p.m.
Three generations of Falers, Jud (left), Harold, and Steve stand befoe the general store which bears their name and has become an institution in Pinedale. Harold started Faler's General Store in Boulder and later moved it to Pinedale. The Faler family homesteaded in Sublette County in the 1880s, and is one of the five oldest families to homestead in the county.

1:33 p.m.
Pinedale Lockers has been in the Wilder family since 1963, and Steve Wilder has owned the business since 1975. Here Mr. Wilder stands in the Locker's cooler with several deer and antelope carcasses dropped off by hunters for processing. Hunting season is the busy season for Pinedale Lockers, resulting in multiple 18-hour days for Steve and his employees. Pinedale Lockers processes 100 big game animals per week during the various fall hunting seasons. In all, Pinedale Lockers processes between 800 and 1300 big game animals each fall.

7:00 p.m.
Pinedale youths line up for popcorn and soda before the start of the 7:30 movie at the Pinedale Entertainment Center.

2:15 p.m.
County Clerk Mary Lankford (left), Deputy Clerk Cathy Saxton and Title Clerk, Tara Mattimoe, smile at the temporary County Clerk's Office located in the old NAPA building on Pine Street.

10:59 a.m.
Tom Colerick owns Tom's Saddle Shop on Sublette Avenue, and has been making saddles in Pinedale on and off for the past 16 years. He's self taught, and estimates that he's made around 140 saddles over the years. Each saddle takes 50-60 hours to make. Best part of the job? "Every saddle's different, and has its own personality," answers Tom.

3:00 P.M.
The staff at the Pinedale Medical Clinic goofs with Dr. Judith Boyle. Left to right, Phylis Stevens, receptionist, Barbara Harper, nurse, Nora Farrand, billing manager, E.J. Vestal, office manager, Kris Spencer, receptionist, Susan Hittle, medical records and Deanne Bradley, nurse.

6:30 p.m.
Volunteer Ken Konicek finishes painting the bell tower on the Pinedale United Church of Christ. The bell is the original one that hung in the tower when the church was built nearly 100 years ago.

9:29 a.m.
Chris Campbell (left), Susie Kramer, and John Mivshek were unloading a truckload of cardboard boxes at the Pinedale Recycling Center when they stopped for a quick photo. This was the first of several loads of boxes which come into the center each day.

3:26 p.m.
Pinedale surveyor Sklar Wilson uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and a survey post at Lake Avenue.

11:30 a.m.
Store Manager Randy Belton, owners Melba and Thomas "Tiger" Jaskolski pose at Big J's Auto Parts Inc. Melba and Tiger have owned and operated the store for the past 25 years.

3:08 p.m.
The Cowboy Shop staff stop for a brief pose before heading back to a busy work day. Owner Bob Bing with wife Carolyn, Julie James, Marie Lopez and Jeni Melson.

4:00 p.m.
Pinedale Chef Wendi Schwartz (left) and waitress Marilynn Sheldon near the end of another busy lunch at Cafe on the Pine.

3:25 p.m.
Pinedale Veterinarian Dr. Brent Dean (right) had just drawn blood from Forest Service horse, "Max" for U.S. Forest Service Wilderness Technician Brad Bence. "Max" had spent many years packing in the Bridger Wilderness for the Forest Service but was being transferred to California, and needed a Coggins test for the trip.

10:15 a.m.
The leader of the band, Craig Sheppard stops for a quick picture during the high school pep assembly on Friday. Mr. Sheppard has been the district's band director for the past 33 years.

9:00 a.m.
Sublette County Catholic priest, Father Robert Lynch poses in his garage where he builds handmade canoes.

12:00 p.m.
Express Auto Care owner, Dwayne Burson (left) poses with his employee Brad Mariner in his shop along Pine Street. Mr. Burson has owned and operated the shop almost two years now.

11:43 a.m.
The busy lunch shift was in full swing when the staff of the Patio Grill stopped for this quick photo. The Patio has been in the Pape Family for 40 years and recently, son Mark (top right) moved his family from Michigan to take over the restaurant from his father, Billy Pape (top left). Also pictured is Paige McKinney (front left), Noelia Loaeza, Nancy Kenyon and Mark's wife, Sharon.

5:02 p.m.
Hair Outfitter owner Margie Nystrom (left), has been working as a cosmetologist in Pinedale for 21 years. Her first shop was located in the Mortenson-Stevens Building on Pine Street, and for the first six months there, she lived in the shop, sleeping in the tanning bed room, and cooking on a hot plate in the bathroom. Four years ago she built her new shop and spa east of Falers. Here she jokes with Tom Kearns and Laura Roberts.

5:30 p.m.
Dinnertime at the Hills. Darin Hill grills chicken outside while youngest daughter, Brittney watches.

5:30 p.m.
Mom Amy, oldest daughter Meggan with Brittney and Darin say grace before eating.

2:30 p.m.
Middle School eighth graders, Devin Gracia and Sadie Lundberg grab a quick bite to eat during the Wrangler's half-time. The girls took advantage of the free hotdogs provided by the Pinedale Booster Club.

10:29 a.m.
Senior Center Activities Director Joann Bohannon helps Margaret Alexander color a pair of owls during the center's morning arts and crafts session.

9:35 p.m.
Judy Meyer, Jenny Clark and Kelly Fennel sitting at the V.I.P. table Friday night at the Cowboy Bar.

6:00 p.m.
Dudley Key, Pinedale's foremost horseshoe player is often seen at the American Legion Park at any point during the day practicing.

4:45 p.m.
Roughnecks Mike Storkamp, Ron Skaggs, Roy Lovato and Travis Kinder take a quick break from drilling on CAZA Drilling Rig No 86. CAZA 86 is drilling a 16,000 foot well for Questar on top of the Mesa in the Pinedale Anitcline natural gas field.

5:15 p.m.
Two of the over 40 rigs drilling in Sublette County today. With the discovery of the Jonah and Pinedale Anticline natural gas fields, Sublette County has emerged as one of the largest natural gas production and booming areas in the United States.

5:00 p.m.
CAZA Rig 86 is one of the newest and most technologically advanced on the Mesa. This rig can move itself between holes without rigging down.

1:50 p.m.
Wrangler senior football players perform the National Anthem before the start of the homecoming game against Cokeville. Left to right are Alex Andersen, Paul Ziegenfelder, James Winters and Jason Marincic.

10:41 a.m.
Pinedale True Value owners Dennis and Candy Peters have been shopkeepers on Pine Street for 15 years come this November. They've been married for almost 30 years.

10:49 a.m.
First National Bank of Pinedale Vice President Ken Transtrum changes a lightbulb near the bank's entryway. Ken moved to Pinedale seven years ago to work at the bank and has had three kids graduate from Pinedale High School. Two of his children are at college in Provo, Utah, while another is working in Bozeman, Montana. His youngest child is an 8th grader at Pinedale Middle School.

11:47 a.m.
Pinedale Fire Chief Wes Johnston poses at the firehouse just before the homecoming parade Friday afternoon.

9:20 p.m.
Paul Horn celebrates the Pinedale Centennial with a cold one at the Cowboy Bar.

5:43 p.m.
Fremont Peak and the Wind River Range tower above Pinedale as seen from the top of Mount Airy on the Mesa.

8:43 p.m.
Des Brunette hard at work clearing a table at her second job as a waitress at Lakeside Restaurant on Fremont Lake.

5:30 a.m.
Joyce Robinson waits for the morning rush at Centerfire 66 along Pine Street. Customers come and go, but she knows her favorites by name. Many customers don't even have to ask for what they need because Joyce knows as soon as they head to the counter. She has worked for Centerfire 66 owners Gwen and Mike Schwab for the past two years.