The Drift Cattle Drive
70 minute DVD filmed by Caldera Productions. Great photography and history of our local 100-year old cattle drive. $19.95 + tax
Elk Ivory Earrings
Silver Earrings
With turquoise
Silver Jewelry
Scarf and Necklace
Handmade Jewelry Box
Hand made by Don Strube. Don has generously donated one of his beautiful jewelry boxes to the Museum's Wreath Auction for many years to help raise money for the Museum.
Hand-made Wool Capote
Powder Horns
Green River Knives
Medicine Shield
Made by Sharp Knife, Kris Swanson.
Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal
Annual publication of the Sublette County Historical Society and the Museum of the Mountain Man.
About Nathaniel Wyeth
Author Jim Hardee has written two books about the western adventures of Nathaniel Wyeth. These are published by the Sublette County Historical Society/Museum of the Mountain Man.
Legacy of the Mountain Man video
Production of the Museum of the Mountain Man/Sublette County Historical Society. Features Dr. Fred Gowans and appearances by the American Mountain Men.
Muzzleloader and Tomahawk Long Rifle
Monthly magazines about black powder shooting and mountain men lifestyle
Plains Indians Regala and Customs
By Bad Hand. He comes up to the Museum every year for Green River Rendezvous Days and gives presentations on Plains Indians culture.
The Art of Alfred Jacob Miller
By Lisa Strong
Examining the artwork of Alfred Jacob Miller
Fur Trade and Rendezvous
The Fur Trade and Rendezvous of the Green River Valley. Publication of the Museum of the Mountain Man/Sublette County Historical Society. Great introduction book explaining the what and why of Rendezvous. Many beautiful photos. Cover painting by AMM member David Wright.
Jacks and Marbles
Classic old time toys for the youngsters. Great for developing eye-hand coordination skills.
Western Cookbooks
Cowgal Soap
Locally made soaps and lotions
Pinedale history book
Great book covering a century of Pinedale history. Written by Ann Chambers Noble. Publication of the Sublette County Historical Society.
Local history books
The Pinedale and Big Piney books were written by local historian Ann Chambers Noble.
Tanned Deer Hides
For making your mountain man clothing or pouches of possibles...
Trade Blankets
MMM hats
Help show your support for the Museum of the Mountain Man with a MMM hat!
MMM Coffee Mugs
We do love the Museum's unique logo.
MMM T-Shirt
With the unique Museum logo.
Rendezvous T-Shirt
T-Shirts and Hats
(prices may change with time)
Magnets and stickers
A local youth custom makes the wood slice key chains and magnets for the Museum. He comes up with the designs and does the wood burning himself.
History bumper stickers
Original designs by a local graphic artist history enthusiast. You won't find these anywhere else.